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FAMAGA always strives to provide the best prices and timings of supplies for its customers. We sell only original equipment and spare parts, although we are not always the official distributor or manufacturer's dealer. All displayed trademarks and part numbers are the property of their respective owners.

The German company LINDY was founded in 1932 as a small family business producing radios and electrical components. During its existence LINDY has grown into an international group of companies with offices in Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Switzerland, France, USA and Australia. The company is one of the world's leading suppliers of computer and AV components for connection and switching, from simple USB cables to advanced KVM switches and HDTV accessories.

Audio and video components

LINDY offers a wide range of audio and video switching products and accessories. Splitters enable connection of VGA, HDMI, DisplayPort and other signal sources and receivers. Devices provide video signal splitting to several monitors or TV sets with image quality up to 4K. The range of extension cords includes both wired and wireless solutions, allowing you to increase the signal transmission distance by hundreds of metres using fibre optic cables. Switches and selectors allow easy switching of inputs and outputs by means of user-friendly controls. A wide range of signal converters is available to provide picture and sound output from any source to any standard screen or projector input, especially useful for presentations. The range also includes video capture devices and IP cameras. Music accessories in the form of headphones, microphones and loudspeakers round off the range and ensure top-quality sound. The company also offers various connectors, sockets, junction boxes and other similar products.


Security devices and accessories

The company manufactures various security devices for displaying and using computer equipment: locks for USB and RJ-45 network connectors, locks for SD card slots and optical connectors. Other products in our catalogue include keyboards and mice, cable organizers, bar code scanners, RS-232 and LPT interface extenders, various tool kits and testers, power supplies, wall and desktop mounting systems for computers, monitors and TV sets, computer locks and hardware protection, which helps prevent theft or break-in of computers and notebooks.


Cables and adapters

LINDY offers a wide range of high quality cables for connecting smartphones, notebooks, TVs, computer components, power supply etc. They enable the connection of devices with all standard USB interfaces, Lightning, PS/2, SCSI, SATA/SAS, FireWire, DisplayPort, HDMI, DVI, VGA, IDE / ATA, KVM (Keyboard-Video-Mouse) as well as power and Ethernet. In addition, various adapters for computers and laptops are offered to increase the number of supported interfaces, power supply units for laptops and PCs, adapters for SSD and HDD. The product line includes not only a variety of Firewire and USB hubs and extenders, but also equipment to connect these interfaces, hard drives, docking stations, USB adapters to connect an additional monitor, USB chargers, card readers and accessories.


Networking Equipment and KVM-Switches

To build a high quality network infrastructure, the company offers Ethernet switches, hubs and routers, cabinets, racks, patch panels, converters, transceivers, remote control units and wireless equipment, NAS and print servers. A range of KVM switches is available to allow the simultaneous switching of keyboard, mouse and video signals between several PCs at the same workstation. The company also offers KVM LCD terminals for server rack applications, IP-KVM for implementing remote PC management.

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